To improve medical care, good questions and clear answers are essential. The only way to get these answeres is good basic, applied and clinical research. For this reason I am committed to research at the University and University hospital of Zurich. I am happy to provide support during project development and realization.
Unfortunately, children and pregnant women are not considered in many research projects because they are "high-risk patients" for clinical studies. For optimal treatment, however, it is important to know the effects and side effects of therapies in detail. I am committed to ensuring that we take a very close look at the treatment of children and pregnant women.
I present some of the research projects in which I am involved in cooperation with the Physiology Department of the University of Zurich and the Neonatology Department of the University Hospital of Zurich.
Neonatal Impact on PArental self-efficiency and quality of life
Die Geburt eines Kindes ändert die ganze Familienkonstellation, wir wollen wissen, was Eltern nach der Geburt des Kindes gut tut und wo wir als Gesundheitsteam unterstützen können.
unterstützt durch die Hartmann Müller Stiftung
Analyse von elterlichem Stress in der Perinatalperiode
Stress hormones are deposited in nails and hair. Analyses shall help to find out how to support families during pregnancy and the perinatal period.
If you are interested to support the project you will find the study information here. If you want to join the study, the informed consent form is here.
We are very thankful if you are willing to join, please just send a mail to and you will get all information including a present when the study is completed.
Cutting nails is not too easy, but during sleep, it is feasible:
supported by the Foundation of Hartmann Müller
Shortages in medication
In Switzerland and several European countries medications could not be delivered. Regular treatments for children such as penicillin/amoxicillin oder ibuprofen have been affected. We started a questionnaire in order to find out, how often doctors in Zurich are affected and which medication they will choose if there is a shortage.
If you are affected youreself, you can use this link: