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Courses "Starke Eltern - Starke Kinder"
"Starke Eltern – Starke Kinder" means strong parents and strong children. This is a course to improve competences to deal with children. It helps to increase self-confidence in children and parents.
The next course will take place on the following days:
Wednesday, 28.08.24 19.00-21.30 o' clock
Wednesday, 11.09.24 19.00-21.30 o' clock
Wednesday, 18.09.24 von 19.00-21.30 o' clock
Wednesday, 25.09.24 von 19.00-21.30 o'clock
Location: Sonnegg Lounge (all stairs up)
Bauherrenstrasse 53, 8049 Zürich
Costs: 220 CHF für all 4 evenings
380 CHF for couples
Inscription: or phone 078 302 0171
Further options:

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